Designing the Most Energy-Efficient Home

Learn how to design an energy efficient home with tips from experts. Read about ENERGY STAR certified products, Fox Blocks ICFs, Building America Resources for Energy Efficient Homes and more.

Designing the Most Energy-Efficient Home

When it comes to constructing an energy-efficient home, there are a few essential elements to take into account. Smaller homes are more efficient than larger ones, as they have less surface area. Additionally, dome-shaped houses are the most energy-efficient due to their lack of corners, allowing wind to pass through without changes in air pressure. Cube-shaped houses are also a good option.When it comes to appliances, electronics and lighting, it's important to read the labels and look for ENERGY STAR certified products.

LED lights will save you electricity and money, while incandescent bulbs convert 80% of their energy into heat. Sealing the building envelope is the most cost-effective measure that builders can take to improve the energy efficiency of a zero-energy home.Smart home products such as motion sensors, programmable thermostats and CO2 alarms can also help make a home more energy efficient. Sustainable building materials such as Fox Blocks ICFs can also be used to improve efficiency. Windows and doors are like big energy holes in the airtight, well-insulated envelope of a building, so designers and architects must be familiar with all the energy efficiency steps needed to build a home with zero net emissions.For more information on designing and building an ultra-efficient home, visit Building America Resources for Energy Efficient Homes.

Homes built to these standards and requirements will attract millennial buyers who demand energy efficient homes that not only save energy and money, but also create a high degree of comfort for their families and, ultimately, improve the resale value of the home. Another strategy for achieving ultra-efficient housing is to build or remodel according to the rigorous voluntary standard of passive houses.

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